miércoles, 1 de abril de 2020

English 31-3-20

Good morning guys! Today, you must do exercises about English, Natural and Social Science. You are doing a good job! Keep going!

Last day solutions

Page 48, exercise 2. 
Suggested answers (maybe you wrote other solutions that are correct):
In scene 1, the jellyfish are pink, but in scene 2 they are purple.
In scene 1, there is a plane flying to the right, but in scene 2, the plane is flying to the left.
In scene 1, there is a shell in the middle on the left, but it isn't there in scene 2.
In scene 1, the fish under the boat are blue, but in scene 2 they are green.
In scene 1, there is a treasure chest, but it isn't there in scene 2.
In scene 1, there is a starfish in the treasure chest, but it isn't there in scene 2.

Page 59, exercise 4.
a) c) b) a)


Hello children!
  Easter is coming soon!! And today we have an opportunity to see what do you know about it. 
   I will send you some worksheets to work and learn more about Easter.
 Let´s have fun guys!!

And now a word search to find these words and more than ones.


Criterios de calificación: 20% ejercicios.
Criterios de evaluación: Conoce vocabulario propio de alguna festividad y relaciona palabras escritas con la imagen correspondiente.
Fecha de entrega: 2-4-20
Modo de entrega y corrección:En el propio blog. 

Do this worksheet about landforms or shapes of relief. 

Landforms wordsearch, una ficha interactiva de jmp
Now, let's play these new games to review the political map of Spain:

Provinces of Spain
Autonomous Communities of Spain

Criterio de evaluación: Conoce las distintas formas del relieve.
Criterio de calificación: Esta actividad formará parte del 20% que concierne al cuaderno y al trabajo en clase del 3º trimestre.
Fecha de entrega: Hoy
Modo de entrega y corrección: Liveworksheets. La web ofrece las soluciones al final si ponéis el cursor sobre las soluciones.

ART: here you have the activity we are going to do for art today. Watch the 2 videos and choose the one you like the most and draw it step by step, beautiful and with details. You have to do it on a white paper. I hope you enjoy it !!!! Happy Easter!!!😊😊😊

Criterios de evaluación: Realiza actividades poniendo en práctica su imaginación y creatividad.
Criterios de calificación:Trabajo personal (70%), deberes (10%) e interés (10%)
Fecha de entrega: Cuando volvamos al centro.

Modo calificación: En clase cuando regresemos.

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