jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

English 19-3-20



1.     In Britain in 387
2.     His real name was Padráig
3.     It´s the Shamrock
4.     It´s red, White and green.
5.     It´s a magical person from Irish folk tales.



Watch this video if you didn't watch it before. 

Today, we are going to learn the verb To be in past.

If I say "I am happy", I am talking about NOW or TODAY but if I want to talk about YESTERDAY, I have to say "I was tall". We use Past tense to talk about yesterday, last week, last year...

As we learnt last Thursday, we add -ed to the verbs to talk in past. For example: I talk in English TODAY but I talked in English YESTERDAY. I added -ed to "talk" = talked.

However, there are some exceptions. When we use the verb To be in present we say I am..., she is..., he is..., it is..., you are..., we are..., they are.... But when we want to talk in past we say "I was...., she was...., he was..., it was..., you were...., we were...., they were...."

Watch this video to understand it better:

Now copy this on your notebook. Don't forget to write the date.

Make sure you understand it. Then, do this worksheet. Remember to write your initials, don't write your full name. For example, if I am Carmen Olmedo Pastor, I will write COP. Finally, write the email that you know.

Was or were, una ficha interactiva de AnetaDraganova

Now do this other worksheet. First, read the text and then choose "was or were". 

Reading Comprehension was-were, una ficha interactiva de alipesa

Criterio de evaluación: Escribe oraciones usando el tiempo pasado. 
Criterio de calificación: Esta actividad formará parte del 20% que concierne al cuaderno y al trabajo en clase del 3º trimestre.
Fecha de entrega: Hoy
Modo de entrega y corrección: Vía online. Las correcciones se colgarán el próximo día.


Play this Kahoot  or introduce this code 0477096. Don't write your name. Write your initials when you play the game as you do with the digital worksheets. For example, I will write COP because my name is Carmen Olmedo Pastor.
Criterio de evaluación: Distingue animales vertebrados e invertebrado. Conoce sus grupos y características. 
Criterio de calificación: Esta actividad formará parte del 20% que concierne al cuaderno y al trabajo en clase del 3º trimestre.
Fecha de entrega: Hoy
Modo de entrega y corrección: Vía online. El juego proporciona las correcciones.


Study your physical and political map of Spain.

Do this worksheet. Look your maps to complete it and if you don't know anything, you can search it on the Internet.
Exercise 5. Write the mountains names with capital letters.
Exercise 7 c). It is the longest river of the Iberian peninsula.
Exercise 7 e). You must write the 5 territories of Spain in English.

Spain Landforms, una ficha interactiva de tercerocossio

Criterio de evaluación: Conoce las formas del relieve de España. Conoce las provincias y comunidades autónomas de España. 
Criterio de calificación: Esta actividad formará parte del 20% que concierne al cuaderno y al trabajo en clase del 3º trimestre.
Fecha de entrega: El último día para la entrega de esta ficha será el domingo 22.
Modo de entrega y corrección: Vía online. Las correcciones se colgarán el próximo día.

And remember! You must do a craft about Saint Patrick's Day! Check last post.

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